
7th Burj CEO International Business Summit, Raffles Istanbul Hotel, Türkiye, 23 October 2024

Time Event
9:00-9:30 AM Registration & Networking
9:30-9:40 AM Welcome Remarks 
9:40-9:45 AM Keynote Speech by Chairman of Chamber of Commerce, Istanbul
9:45-10:15 AM Panel Discussion “Promoting Sustainable Tourism through Digital, Smart Cities and Urban Development”
It focuses on utilizing smart infrastructure and data-driven solutions to optimize tourism management, improve visitor experiences, and promote eco-friendly practices.
10:15 -10:20 AM Opening Ceremony His Highness Sheikh Juma Bin Maktoum Juma Al Maktoum, a Dubai Royal Family
10:20-10:30 AM Opening Remarks: Dr. Tariq Nizami, Founder & CEO, CEO Clubs Network Worldwide & The BURJ CEO Awards
10:30-10:35 AM Speech by Chief Guest Honorable Minister of Türkiye
10:35-10:40 AM Keynote Speech
10:40-11:10 AM Panel Discussion “Turkiye on the Global Stage: Advancing Transportation and Logistics with Sustainable Energy Solutions”
It focuses on optimizing transportation networks and improving logistical efficiency through innovative practices and technologies.
11:10 - 11:20 AM Presentation
11:20 -11:25 AM Keynote Speech by Chairman of TIM
11:25-11:55 AM Panel Discussion “Web 3.0: Transforming Investments in Turkiye and Its Impact on Global Finance”
It examines how innovations such as blockchain, decentralized finance, and smart contracts are creating new avenues for investment in Turkiye, while also influencing global financial markets.
11:55–12:00 PM Keynote Speech by Honorable Minister of UAE
12:00–12:30 PM Panel Discussion “Highlighting Women Empowerment”
Research consistently demonstrates that increased female participation across all sectors is advantageous, yet their presence remains minimal. What proactive measures can be implemented to elevate women empowerment?
12:30-12:40 PM Presentation
12:40 -1:40 PM Networking Lunch
An opportunity to meet to open new ventures with other delegates
1:40 -1:45 PM Keynote speech by Honorable Minister of Saudi Arabia
1:45-2:15 PM Panel Discussion “The Impact of FinTech on Traditional Financial Systems”
The transformation of traditional banking and finance through FinTech innovations. What are the implications for financial institutions and their customers?
2:15 - 2:45 PM Panel Discussion “Elevating Africa’s & Asia’s Role in Global Energy and Natural Resource Markets”
It focuses on strategies for optimizing resource management, advancing energy infrastructure, and leveraging regional strengths. The discussion also highlights opportunities for economic growth and sustainable development.
2:45-2:50 PM Keynote speech 6
2:50–3:20 PM Panel Discussion "Transforming Technological Innovations and Blockchain for Sustainable Start-ups"
The discussion will cover aligning skills with research, using blockchain for transparency, and addressing environmental and social challenges. It will also explore how adjusting safety regulations might accelerate the commercialization of new technologies.
3:20-3:25 PM Company presentation
3:25–3:55 PM Panel Discussion "Navigating Turkiye’s Growth Trends in Real Estate, Construction, Trading, and Textiles"
Discussion will focus on market dynamics, emerging opportunities, and strategic approaches for leveraging Turkiye’s growth potential. Insights will include how to navigate regulatory changes, adapt to consumer preferences, and capitalize on sector-specific trends for sustained success.
3:55–4:00 PM Closing Remarks by Ms. Sarah Dong, Managing Partner, CEO Clubs Network
4:00 PM Networking Coffee Break & B2B Meetings
5:00 PM End of Business Summit

•    Business Summit will be attended by international delegation from more than 30 countries
•    Business Summit will be attended by CEO and top executives from Türkiye companies from all sectors
•    Business Summit will be attended by Government and Associations officials
•    Business Summit will be attended by Ambassadors & Council Generals of different countries
•    This is a draft agenda we are waiting for speaker/panelist confirmations
•    There will have 4 Panelist and one Moderator for each Panel discussion 
•    Each Panel will have 2 from Türkiye and 2 from international panelist 
•    For Attendees to have a B2B meetings there will be rooms available across Ballroom

7th Burj CEO Awards, Raffles Istanbul Hotel, Türkiye, 24 October 2024

Time Event
10:00-1:00 PM B2B Meetings
10:00-12:00 PM Various sessions on diverse topics
10:00-9:30 PM Exhibitions
6:30-10:00 PM A black-tie, red-carpet award gala featuring a formal dinner with distinguished representatives and entertainments
10:00 PM End of Program

HH Sheikh Juma Bin Maktoum Juma Al Maktoum
Patron & The Chairman Of The Board of Governors
CEO Clubs Network Worldwide

His Excellency Dr. Mohammed Saeed AI Kindi
UAE Former Minister
Environment & Water

Hussain Al Mahmoudi
SRTI Park and American University of Sharjah Enterprises (AUSE)

Dr. Mahmoud Al Burai
Senior Advisor to Dubai Land Department
Chairman UNDRR Arise UAE

Sir Steven Saxton
Founder & CEO
Chairman at Gorilla Labs

Yulia Stark
Europian Women Association

HE Ahmed Adeeb A Ghafoor
Former Vice President of Maldives

William Wraith III
The Wraith Group

Dr Tariq A Nizami
Founder & CEO
CEO Clubs Network

Konstantinos Konstantinopoulos
Coffee Island

Eric Ho
Group CEO
IHDpay Group

Simon Guo
Top Wellness China

Patrick Menash
Chairman & CEO
Wallstreet Investment

Serge Conesa

Dr Aftab Hasan
Risk Exchange DIFC Ltd

Serenity Shield

Abdallah Al Zari
United Advocate

Neelivethil Rajeev
Managing Director

Dr. Tahir Akhtar
Adam Holdings